Would you help a poor single-user Friendica server admin out and boost this post?

Boosting will increase the number of servers my server federates with.


#fediverse #friendica #SelfHosting #SelfHosted

Do snakes have bones? Don't look it up before voting.

People, please stop wearing so much perfume/cologne. Jesus Christ, people are trying to eat. You smell awful.

Curious -- how many dedicated e-readers have folks owned since e-ink devices started being a thing? (Not full-blown tablets that have ebook apps, just dedicated e-readers.)

Please boost and feel free to reply with more like what was the first device you bought, what you have now, best one... whatever.

Hey all. I'm involved in mutual aid projects here in Philly and the Philippines, and it's always a struggle because cash is tight.

I'm thinking of doing a little fundraising where funds 100% (minus fees) of funds go to mutual aid projects and individuals needing help.

I'll make sure everything is publicly recorded.

Here's the fundraising shop: ko-fi.com/duriandistro/shop

Let me know what you think!


@hannu_ikonen @seachanger Our job for the foreseeable is to make sure every jury-eligible person in the USA is aware of their power to render a not guilty verdict regardless of anything they've heard or seen in the trial.

The thing about jury nullification is that it's like our current SCOTUS: jurors don't have the right to do it, but they have the power. Nobody's going to tell them they have that power unless we do.


You asked for it.

The Beatles.

On this day, I chose violence.



Since there’s been a resurgence lately of the “mastodon is mostly just for folks who use Linux” thing …

… i’m now curious about my community here

(i’m offering intentionally crude and ungranular options in this poll)

“I use Linux …”

(Please boost!)

This is an experiment. Please boost.


Here's the idea: This post is going first to my followers, then, if they boost it, to other people. This domain has been registered for only this experiment. I should see in my web server's logs when mastodon instances start crawling the site for info. Then maybe also some curious humans.

I just want to play with my monitoring a bit :)

Cards Against Humanity formed a super PAC to show how easy it is for corps to influence the election. ❤️

How is this not illegal??? Cards Against Humanity is PAYING people who didn't vote in 2020 to apologize, make a voting plan, and post #DonaldTrumpIsAHumanToilet—up to $100 for blue-leaning people in swing states. I helped by getting a 2024 Election Pack: www.Apologize.lol

#voteblue #HarrisWalz2024

If you're reading this, please #boost so I can get back to being federated with the #fediverse. Unfortunately, the data center I've been hosting with for years and years encountered some serious issues. I had to move suddenly, losing almost everything. I took the chance to change the software I use. But I've still lost all of my followers, all of my federation, etc! It's also taken down rblind.com, my passion project to get more #blind folks off #reddit. I'll be bringing that back over the coming days. In the meantime, hi! I'm a blind guy who uses the #NVDA #screenreader, loves #accessibility and works in the field, and reads tons of #fanfic, #litrpg, and #sciencefiction and #fantasy in my spare time. Nice to meet you!

LB: I don't understand why nobody else seems to have a 1 strike and you're out policy for mobile app push notifications. The only thing I allow to do push notifications on my phone is texting. Not even Discord gets to send me push notifications. Apps dictating when you look at them? Fucking ridiculous

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! CFP is now closed. Onto the hard part.

In the meantime, check out our site (jawncon.org), join our discord, connect to our AOL AIM server, listen to the jams from DotOrNot, play with some of the con servers (0x1.jawncon.org), and make plans to come on out! This one is gonna be fun!

What are some like...either mesh based or otherwise local community tech resources y'all can name? The kind of thing I'm thinking about is like...as I said I've been playing with Meshtastic, I also remember hearing some time ago about some sort of Raspberry Pi project that had offline Wikipedia and a bunch of other educational/useful resources for offline use. I'm thinking things that could be helpful to the local community in an emergency situation or internet outages to have hosted from or broadcasted from my house. I know I've seen several neat projects like this before and I'm blanking on most of them.

Great news everyone! I finally talk about AI hype. Someone finally mentioned LLMs one time too many, and the reckoning is upon us:


@AnarchoNinaWrites I'm very pissed that for generations some of us have been telling everyone that the Right is on a trajectory to fascism.

We were shouted down and marginalized as alarmists. Now it's plainly obvious and we're still blown off like we weren't right the last 40+ years, the rise of fascism is somehow proof we shouldn't have told them so early.

Now we have voices like this being treated like heroic whistleblowers instead of the Johnny come latelys that they are.

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A mastodon server for the Farm and friends